tense|tensed|tenses|tensing in English


pull taught, stretch tight; make anxious or nervous; become anxious or nervous; become tight, contract

Use "tense|tensed|tenses|tensing" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "tense|tensed|tenses|tensing" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "tense|tensed|tenses|tensing", or refer to the context using the word "tense|tensed|tenses|tensing" in the English Dictionary.

1. I'm tensed.

2. You're too tensed up.

3. Their faces tensed up.

4. GRE tensed him up.

5. Little tensed about receiving him.

6. Why are you so tensed, sir?

7. The muscles in my face tensed.

8. She tensed, hearing the noise again.

9. Every time the phone rang, she tensed.

10. She tensed, hearing the strange noise again.

11. He tensed his muscles for the leap.

12. Apply unconventional conjugations and parasynthesis (use odd tenses and variations). Sometimes a common word can be verbose if an unusual tense is applied.

13. She tensed, struck by a sudden brainwave.

14. He spread his legs and tensed his fingers.

15. A muscle tensed a fraction in his jaw.

16. Players get very tensed up before a match.

17. She tensed up as she heard the explosion.

18. Neal tensed slightly as the plane took off.

19. The athletes waited, with all their sinews tensed.

20. She tensed, trembling. Heavy footsteps were mounting the stairs.

21. I tensed every muscle in my body in apprehension.

22. 8 I walk out of the building tensing myself for the ambush.

23. Every time the vestibule door opened, he tensed up.

24. Jane tensed her muscles to stop them from shaking.

25. She tensed involuntarily, looking into his eyes with growing panic.